Mission & Values
Our mission is to create an academically rigorous, constructivist learning environment that engages each student’s unique spirit and intellect, develops creativity, critical thinking skills, and cultivates active citizens.
Core Values
Constructivist education
Our teaching and learning is rooted in connection-making, collaboration and choice. Students and teachers work together in multi-age classes as co-builders of knowledge and understanding. Advisors facilitate hands-on learning experiences that activate existing schema, integrate core subject content with student interest, and develop higher order thinking skills.
In a constructivist learning community, students are academically successful because they continually learn and practice strong habits of mind. They are expected to demonstrate their learning, and are supported by their advisors and peers as they craft high-quality records of their thinking. Students work independently, in small groups, engage in whole-class discussions, and have daily opportunities to actively listen, question, reflect, revise and share.
Nurturing the whole child
We honor and protect each student’s unique being and inherently creative spark. Students are encouraged to be curious, inquiring learners, to pursue their interests and passions, and to learn and teach in ways that work best for them. Advisors teach to a wide variety of intelligences and learning styles. We work to understand each student’s strengths and provide them with individualized instruction that fits their specific needs, and we facilitate learning experiences in which students wonder and ask questions about themselves and their world. Staff and students build strong, trusting relationships, and students are supported and respected as they take risks in their personal and academic growth. Our school is a safe, inclusive place for all. We honor and teach to differences in race, ethnicity, language, gender, culture, sexual orientation, ability and ways of learning and being.
We believe that an inclusive, participatory democracy can bring about social justice and equity for all. We seek to create within our school the kind of world in which we hope to live. We work to teach students the structures of democratic practice and cultivate a deeper understanding of what it means to be a compassionate advocate of justice, inclusion, equity, and freedom.
Students and staff participate regularly in class, grade-level and all-school meetings to resolve conflicts, discuss issues of classroom and school policy, and propose ideas for activities and events. Parents and community members participate in Together For Trillium, bringing their thoughts, ideas, and resources to the school community.
We come together in service of the common vision of creating an exceptional learning environment for all students. All members of our school community give of their time, talents and resources to support the work of Trillium. To support community cooperation, students are taught conflict resolution strategies and are supported in peaceful conflict mediation. Collaboration is emphasized at all levels of community decision-making, including teachers and students, administration and board members, parents, and community volunteers. It is fundamental that everyone treats each other with respect and compassion. We choose to work together, learn together, and deepen our bond as a community in support of our mission, vision, and core values.